Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 10: Monday, January 26, 2009

Well, today was the day I decided to "up" my workout regime. I figured, with my heart, that it would be best if I increase the length of the workouts (i.e. the running portion) rather than the intensity of the workout - and so I changed to the ratio of walking at 4 MPH for 1:45 and then do my run for 1:15 at 5 MPH - and repeat until I reach my goal of 30 minutes.

Right from the beginning, I knew I was in trouble. My legs still ached slightly from the squats I performed on Saturday, and this being my third workout day in a row, I was exhausted. I completed my first walk - and who knew 15 seconds could make such a difference - because the walking portion went by quickly! And as I began to run, I knew, I knew I was going to be in for a long night. Almost instantly, I felt myself grow winded - and by the time the 2:15 mark rolled around (meaning I had only been running for 30 seconds - and still had to run for 45 more) I was ready to give up. But I made it through. And after almost a minute of resuming walking, I was able to regain my stamina and breathing rates - only to pick my pace back up in another 45 seconds.

This cycle continued - I was definitely having a hard time with the longer duration of running vs. walking. The walking time seemed way too short, while the running seemed to go on forever. I was hurting and found myself growing weary - my pulse shooting high during the running, and my strength weakening. But I pushed. At the 19:45 mark - I picked up to run again - and really felt like I "couldn't go on" ... but I ran, and got to the 21:00 mark - and quickly realized I only had 3 runs left to go - and tried to convince myself that "it wouldn't be so bad." I ran again, from the 22:45 mark until the 24:00 mark - and I told myself, "that's it, I'm done, and I'll just walk the rest of the 30 minutes" - but wouldn't you know, 25:45 rolled around and I found myself running again? And so I just had to complete the workout - only one run left. When I got to the last run, I did not tell myself "run until you can't run anymore" because I knew I already couldn't run anymore - so I got to the 30:00 mark and promptly slowed my pace to 3 MPH to begin a very gratifying 2 minute cool down session.

All totaled, I walked for a total of 1.17 miles in 17 minutes and 30 seconds and ran for a total distance of 1.04 miles in 12 minutes and 30 seconds. With my 2 minute cool down - I completed a total distance of 2.30 miles in 32 minutes.

I also completed curls of 40 lbs. 60 total times - feeling a slight twinge in my left arm as I completed my final set. I then did 10 squats, just to help feel the burn.

Day one of the new regime kicked me to the curb. For the remained of the evening, I wanted nothing else but to fall asleep and forget all about the workout. I think Tuesday will be either a much needed night off, or a slow walk with minimal weights involved. We shall see how I feel.

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