Monday, May 11, 2009

Week Seventeen Recap

Exercise is an amazing thing; it truly is addicting. Every day while at work this week, I would think to myself, "I'm too worn down to go to the gym," and every day, I would find energy, and the fatigue would fade and I would find myself at the gym.

Week seventeen has been the first week that I have made it to the gym all 7 days of the week, even going twice on Sunday - the final day of the week. Every day except for Tuesday I managed to do at least some cardio, but Tuesday being the first time I truly began weight lifting, and given a lack of time on Tuesday, when the 30 minutes was up, it was time to return home and shower up. But it's okay, the performance on the treadmill the other 6 days certainly made up for it. Add in the fact that I have made some healthier decisions this week on my food intake, and I was hoping for some good results on the scale.

In the morning I weighed in at 192.6 lbs. A full 3.4 lbs. lighter than when I weighed in the same time the previous week. This was good news, and something, well, I hadn't really expected. I had expected two pounds, but 3.4, that was truly amazing.

In the evening, I weighed in again. A few things I think contributed to this weight. First, I had ended my cardio training only about an hour before, and I was still drinking lots of water to rehydrate after that workout - so I believe I was carrying a lot of water weight that hadn't had time to exit my body, however, even with that said, I weighed in at 198.2 lbs. - which is still 1.8 lbs lighter than my evening weigh in from the previous week.

My average this week came in at 195.5 lbs. That is a full 2.5 lbs. shed since last week. It's great, I feel great, I think I'm still on my way of looking great, and I'm almost to the 190 lb. mark I set out in January to obtain. With everything all said and done, this is the first week that neither morning nor night weigh-ins showed a number in the 200's ... it feels really good to know that, no matter where I'm at on any given day, that I do not weigh over 200 pounds. I can finally say, with confidence, that I am part of the "one hundred club" ... hopefully soon, I can exclaim being part of the "one-eighty club" as well. Only time, and hard work and dedication can earn me that privilege. Soon enough, I will have the body I want to have. I am truly back on the right track.

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