Monday, May 18, 2009

Week Eighteen Recap

Eighteen weeks in the books, at least, I think eighteen weeks - it's hard to say with certainty since I had taken so many weeks off in the middle of this entire regime. Either way, we'll call it eighteen weeks.

This week, however, I did not feel was a productive one. Sure, I completed some form of activity every day except Wednesday. And sure, I even completed almost a complete 5k without ceasing my running on Saturday, but something just told me, that the scale was not going to be too gracious to me. I think maybe, it was because I didn't count my calories for the week, thinking "I know what I'm doing" even though, I could have just as easily eaten too little calories as too many. I think, going forward, I need to be more conscious of everything I eat and when and why, so that I don't feel like I didn't do everything I could. And perhaps too, the scale would respond negatively to me, due to my negative thinking. All in all, I just didn't foresee anything good for my results this week.

In the morning I got on the scale, and to my dismay I saw a pound and a half increase in my weight since last week at the same time. However, I knew I had half expected this, and so I did not get down on myself. Instead, I just went about my day as usual, and even going to the gym and only completing "what I could" so as not to push myself too hard and injure myself. So in the evening, after not changing a single thing I would normally do on a Sunday, I weighed myself, 196.5 lbs., or a full 1.5 lbs. LESS than I weighed at the same time last week. Meaning, the average for the day was 195 lbs. or, the exact same weight as I averaged last week, where I weighed less in the morning and more in the evening than this week.

So it wasn't all a loss, I suppose. I didn't lose weight, but I didn't technically gain any either. Going forward for week 19, I plan to again track my caloric intake and do my best to get the scale moving downward again. Sometimes, the lack of positive thoughts, I know, can have adverse effects, and I feel I may have fallen victim to such effects this week. Going forward, I know I need to keep a sunny outlook, and things will happen as they should. Besides, the entire week wasn't a loss, I almost ran the full time it would have taken to complete the entire 5k (had the treadmill not stopped abruptly on me, I would have done it too). Another week down, and a lifetime still to be gained.

Day 52: Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another day, another day on the treadmill. I had had visions of performing two workouts on this day, one involving weights, and another involving the treadmill, however, my morning workout, the one meant for the weights just never happened, so I settled for one workout for the day, running next to my wife on the treadmill.

We decided to work together again here. We started with a warm up of one minute at about 3.5 MPH, upping it to 4 MPH until we hit a quarter of a mile. From there, we were going to run the next 2 miles at 5.2 MPH, of which we both succeeded upon.

The 2 miles took us just over 23 minutes to complete, and it was rough! For a moment, at the 1.5 mile marker, I thought about slowing my pace, but knowing that she was still running next to me, I pushed through. However, the thought remained in my mind that I should just stop, but I did not.

The problem I had was my breathing. The day before, I was able to take deep breaths that sufficed my needs whenever my breathing became too shallow, however, on Sunday, this was not to be the case. I couldn't catch a good breath to save my life, but I had to run with my wife.

Finally, we hit the 2.25 mile mark and we both slowed our pace to 4 MPH. I look over at her, and she seems just as worn and just as out of breath as I am. And at that moment, we decide to only walk the next few minutes until the 30 minute mark and call it a day - no sense in killing ourselves all in one workout. Sure, we had planned to run further, to do lesser intervals after the initial 2 miles, however, that just was not to be for either of us on this night. (in fairness to my wife, she was also sick, picking up what I had the previous week)

With all said and done, we completed about 2.40 miles in the 30 minutes, and as I said, we ran 2 miles straight in about 23 minutes at 5.2 MPH. It was a good workout, but very tiring to both of us. We'll try it again another night, and hopefully, we can build on this small success.

Day 51: Saturday, May 16, 2009

I began today on the treadmill. I started out with my customary 4 MPH walk for one minute as I worked to get the specs of the machine up to my standards. And actually, setting my "goal time" for the machine at a half an hour, ultimately became my downfall for the afternoon.

I started jogging at 5.2 MPH after that first minute, and I noticed that I just kept moving. The first time I checked the clock, I was already 20 minutes into my run. So I kept going. My breathing was good, my legs felt great, and everything was just falling into place. A few times my breathing became more shallow, but in these times, I was able to gasp a deep breath, and then continue on my way running. I look at the clock, 28 minutes, I'm doing so well, and I begin to think - maybe I'll just run until I get a full 5k in on the treadmill clock. I keep going.

Then I notice, that my speed has slowed, and I look down and my speed is now only 4.2 MPH. The treadmill, thinking that 30 minutes was my goal time, began me on a 5-minute cool down, that I no longer wanted. I upped my speed again to 5.2 and continued running, while I tried to change my "goal time" without any success - the option was no longer available. No worries, I thought nothing of it and continued at 5.2.

At the 35 minute mark - apparently, the 30 minute goal time, and then a 5 minute "cool down" - the treadmill just stopped on me. I tried to restart it, but it would not, it only wanted to show my my "workout results". Due to this reason, I decided to call it a day. The main reason being, that I would have to hit "stop" twice to get the machine to reset, and then hit "start" to get it moving again, and these treadmills being what they are, restart at 1 MPH, so by the time I were to up my speed again to 5.2, at least a full minute of "rest" would have passed, and my results would have become skewed. Not wanting this, I walked around the gym and stretched for a few minutes for a cool down.

On the treadmill, I walked a full minute at 4 MPH for 0.05 miles, and I ran at 5.2 MPH for the following 34 minutes (not quite counting that time that the treadmill started me in on a "cool down" that I did not want) - for a distance of 2.94 miles. In total, I completed 2.99 miles, falling 0.11 miles short of completing the 5k distance. Had the machine not stopped abruptly on me, I feel I would have had the 5k completed within 36 minutes. Still not perfect, but a heck of a lot better than I could have ever imagined just 4 months ago back in January. I am truly going to be able to complete the race - I have no doubt in my mind about that, and as a nice side effect, I will feel and look better than I have in a really long time. My life is becoming mine again.

Day 50: Friday, May 15, 2009

Today, it had been a few days since I did any weight training, so I decided it would be a good day to do some lifting. The problem was, the gym is fairly busy this night, so I was kind of stuck to do all three sets of my lifts on a particular machine all at one time. Doing the lifting in this fashion, I do not feel I had sufficient time between sets to rest my specific muscles, and I'm not sure if the results suffered because of this. I do know, I really had to strain at times to complete the sets at hand. With that said, I will list the workouts here, just so I can keep the record of my lifting and where I am at.

Bicep Curls - 25 lbs. each arm - free weights - 30 reps
Tricep Curls - 40 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps
Deltoid Laterals - 50 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps
Lat Pull downs - 80 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps
Butterfiles - 80 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps

Again, looking at the amount of weight and reps on paper, it doesn't seem like much, but when I am done with all my sets, my arms do feel like they want to fall off. I hope to be able to complete a few more cycles at these weights before I'll consider upping the weight again. Hopefully building muscles as I increase the intensity along the way. For now, for the upcoming week or two, this will be my workout when it comes to my lifting program. Hopefully, as I said, muscle mass will soon follow.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 49: Thursday, May 14, 2009

Well, after being too sick to do anything on Wednesday, I managed to have enough energy to get back on the treadmill on Thursday. I started off with the same basic goal that I always have now, running for at least 10 minutes, if not 15, before slowing my pace for the first time (after the initial minute to get the the treadmill settings correct, that is). However, today, I decided to really push myself, and say that 15 minutes was not long enough. I wanted 20.

I was running at 5.5 MPH, and as I was closing in on the 15 minute mark, I decided that 20 minutes would be more suitable, and so I pushed myself. My breathing was hard, but not overly laborious, so I kept going. With about 3 minutes left, my breathing did become more shallow. With two minutes left, more shallow still - to the point where I could not catch a deep breath, no worries, it's only two more minutes. I pushed my way through what normally indicated a limitation to me - and I proved I could do it. The remainder of the 30 minutes, I only ran one additional time for only 2 more minutes - I was that run down after the initial 20 minutes straight at 5.5 MPH.

In total, I completed 8 minutes walking at 4 MPH for 0.53 miles, 22 minutes running at 5.5 MPH for 2.02 miles, and complete with cool down, I completed 31 minutes for 2.58 miles, still, not quite a 5k, but definitely a lot better than the 2.20 I averaged when I began this endeavor just a mere 4 months ago. October 24th, here I come! I will complete the 5k, and I'll feel great doing it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 48: Tuesday, May 12, 2009

After not feeling well while running on Monday, and not feeling particularly well in the morning on Tuesday, I was seriously considering taking the day off, however, knowing I wasn't going to be on the treadmill and was on schedule to do weight lifting, I felt well enough to do that, I even upped my weights on the 3 pieces of equipment I hadn't upped previously. With that said, I'll just list the weights I completed.

Bicep Curls - 25 lbs. each arm - free weights - 30 reps
Tricep Curls - 40 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps
Deltoid Laterals - 50 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps (this is the hardest workout for me)
Lat pull downs - 80 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps
Butterfiles - 80 lbs. total - machine - 30 reps

Looking at the exercises on paper, it doesn't seem like much, but my muscles were sufficiently fatigued after the workout, and I hope it is doing something in building weight and increasing my metabolism. As I said, I increased the weights used on 3 of the 5 workouts - the Bicep Curl, the Lat Pull Down, and the Butterfiles all increased the weight by a net of 10 lbs. It made for a good workout, and I felt good after it.

As I said above, the Deltoid Laterals are the bane of this regime. It seems my arms just can't lift backwards as needed for these reps, however, I plan to work through it, until one day, I'm lifting the 50 lbs. with ease - hopefully that day will come.

Other than that, there isn't much to say, except to report that the workouts were completed (I complete the 30 reps in sets of 10, switching machines between sets). Hopefully, in time, more muscle will be added that can not only help me to look my best, but to boost that metabolism to help get rid of the remaining fat around my midsection. I still feel as if my body is moving in the right direction, and I don't even want to take a day off, if I can help it. Exercise truly is addicting.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 47: Monday, May 11, 2009

Today, I was ready to do some treadmill action. I didn't exactly have a set plan, but once I began, I found myself upping my speed to 5.5 MPH. Fine by me, I've done it before, and it shouldn't have been a big deal, so I started running.

Then I noticed, not long into my run that I was having a problem catching any good breaths. I tried to inhale deeply, to no avail. I continued to run, gasping in attempts to catch a sufficient breath, but it just would not come. Finally, at the 11 minute mark, I slowed my pace to 4 MPH - after running for 10 straight minutes. It wasn't quite what I wanted to do, but I could have done a lot worse too, considering my breathing issues for the night. While walking (which I did for 2 minutes) I took a few deep breaths, but none of them were as refreshing as I had hoped. Oh well, no time to dwell, I upped my speed again to 5.5 MPH.

I ran the next 5 minutes, still gasping for air before again slowing my pace, where I was again able to take a few deep breaths, but nothing lasting or really substantial. This time, after 3 minutes I sped back up to the 5.5 MPH where I ran for only 2:30 before slowing for 3 minutes and repeating the 2:30 pattern. I then walked for another minute or so before upping my speed for the final sprint of 7.0 MPH. When that was over, I slowed to 4 MPH before starting my cool down.

The entire time I was having a hard time breathing. As stated above, I attempted to use my walking times to gain a good, deep breath, but it never was substantial, and every time I ran, I was doomed to run with short, shallow breaths - with vain attempts at gaining that cleansing breath. I didn't know what was wrong, that is, until I left the gym. Then I noticed, my lymph nodes were partially swollen - indicating that my immune system is upon heightened awareness, sadly, for what, I cannot say. I hope I'm not getting sick, seeing as in how I have been working so hard and have come so far in my workouts. For now, if it persists, I'll take a day or two off before hopefully my body can recover.

Even with everything said above, I walked 9 minutes at 4 MPH for 0.60 miles, I ran 20 minutes at 5.5 MPH for 1.83 miles, I ran 1 minute at 7.0 MPH for 0.12 miles, and in total (with cool down) I completed 31 minutes for 2.59 miles. In spite of all the problems I was having, I still managed fairly decent numbers, and I am happy with that. Now, hopefully, I can kick this illness, whatever it may be, quickly.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week Seventeen Recap

Exercise is an amazing thing; it truly is addicting. Every day while at work this week, I would think to myself, "I'm too worn down to go to the gym," and every day, I would find energy, and the fatigue would fade and I would find myself at the gym.

Week seventeen has been the first week that I have made it to the gym all 7 days of the week, even going twice on Sunday - the final day of the week. Every day except for Tuesday I managed to do at least some cardio, but Tuesday being the first time I truly began weight lifting, and given a lack of time on Tuesday, when the 30 minutes was up, it was time to return home and shower up. But it's okay, the performance on the treadmill the other 6 days certainly made up for it. Add in the fact that I have made some healthier decisions this week on my food intake, and I was hoping for some good results on the scale.

In the morning I weighed in at 192.6 lbs. A full 3.4 lbs. lighter than when I weighed in the same time the previous week. This was good news, and something, well, I hadn't really expected. I had expected two pounds, but 3.4, that was truly amazing.

In the evening, I weighed in again. A few things I think contributed to this weight. First, I had ended my cardio training only about an hour before, and I was still drinking lots of water to rehydrate after that workout - so I believe I was carrying a lot of water weight that hadn't had time to exit my body, however, even with that said, I weighed in at 198.2 lbs. - which is still 1.8 lbs lighter than my evening weigh in from the previous week.

My average this week came in at 195.5 lbs. That is a full 2.5 lbs. shed since last week. It's great, I feel great, I think I'm still on my way of looking great, and I'm almost to the 190 lb. mark I set out in January to obtain. With everything all said and done, this is the first week that neither morning nor night weigh-ins showed a number in the 200's ... it feels really good to know that, no matter where I'm at on any given day, that I do not weigh over 200 pounds. I can finally say, with confidence, that I am part of the "one hundred club" ... hopefully soon, I can exclaim being part of the "one-eighty club" as well. Only time, and hard work and dedication can earn me that privilege. Soon enough, I will have the body I want to have. I am truly back on the right track.

Day 46: Sunday, May 10, 2009

Today was a good day. Not only was I at the end of my workout week, having worked out every single day, but on Sunday, I had time to workout twice - working my muscles in the morning, and doing some cardio in the evening. It helped in breaking up the two workouts, and I think my activity level for each will prove that.

For starters, in the morning I lifted weights. I decided on Friday that I could up the intensity on a few of the machines, and that's exactly what I did. Again, doing the lifting, my arms do become fatigued, and I do have to fight though that fatigue, but I am able to overcome it by taking breaks between sets. Again, this will read much like past lists of weight training, but there are a few subtle differences, namely the amount of weight used on the butterflies and the tricep curls:

Bicep curls - free weights - 20 lbs. each arm - 45 reps
Tricep curls - machine - 40 lbs. total - 30 reps
Lat Pulldown - machine - 70 lbs. total - 30 reps
Deltoid Laterals - machine - 50 lbs. total - 30 reps
Butterfiles - machine - 70 lbs. total - 40 reps

Then, in the evening, I went back to the gym with my wife. We didn't work together, as we did on Saturday, but since she was going, I decided to work in some cardio as well. I began on the treadmill at 4 MPH for one minute to get the settings of the machine to match my body before upping the speed to 5.2 MPH. I felt good running, luckily, it wasn't 7, or even 6, MPH, so I was able to endure longer than I would at the higher speeds. I ran for 15 minutes - though I had visions of running longer, I simply did not - before slowing for 2 minutes. After walking for 2 minutes I upped my speed again, still feeling really good at the 5.2 MPH pace, and ran for another 10 minutes. At this point, I was assuming my wife would be done at the 30 minute mark, so I was planning to slow for a 3 minute cool-down. She then proceeds to ask me if it would be okay if she did the elliptical for 10 minutes, of which I readily agreed to.

Knowing I still had time to run, I decided to go ahead and walk the 2 minutes up to the 30 minute mark before again upping my pace. As I was running, I decided that only 5 more minutes of running would do me just fine, and so at the 35 minute mark, I slowed my pace to 4 MPH to complete my time. However, after 2 minutes I felt like running once again, so I decided to do a final sprint at 7 MPH for one minute before starting my ultimate cool down.

All said and done, I ran the first 25 of 28 minutes (given that I did the first minute at walking pace), and 30 of 35 minutes. Quite a big difference from when I began and could only run 10 minutes out of every 30 - and certainly not 10 minutes in a row.

In total, I walked at 4 MPH for 9 minutes (since I walked pretty much the last four, not including my minute sprint at 7 MPH) for a distance of 0.60 miles, I ran at 5.2 MPH for 30 minutes for a distance of 2.60 miles, I ran at 7 MPH for one minute for a distance of 0.12 miles, and complete with cool down, I completed 42 minutes for 3.40 miles. Quite an excellent workout, and quite a good day overall for me, if I do say so myself.

With the 5k in mind, I eclipsed the 3.1 mile marker at 37 minutes and 44 seconds - of course, by this time I was in my walking mode, and probably could have pushed myself for a better time, but I was in the gym for a well-rounded workout, not to complete the 5k, necessarily. Either way, it was certainly a good workout, my body felt good, my breathing was great, and my max heart rate was only 163 - meaning, at least I hope, that my heart is becoming healthier. I won't see the cardiologist for another couple of months yet, but I'm sure he'll be ecstatic at my progress.

Day 45: Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another day, another workout. After lifting weights on Friday, I decided to give my muscles a breather and focus on the cardiovascular training for Saturday.

My wife and I tried something different for this workout, we decided to attempt to run together. That is to say, at the same speeds for the same amount of time. This is partly because we have found a 5k to run - on October 24th - so we could build up to that together, and partly just to do some activity together, instead of doing our own thing.

With that said, this workout won't seem much like a "traditional" workout in which I have performed before, but it's still movement, and it was actually a lot, lot harder than what I have grown accustom to "traditionally".

We began with a 5-minute warm up at 3.0 miles per hour, before upping the speed to begin our intervals to 4.0 MPH for the next two minutes - 7 minutes of walking, it wasn't too hard yet, but then, came time to run our first two minute interval at 7.0 MPH. We both upped our speeds and started running. I would say that two minutes never felt so long, but honestly, it wasn't that bad, and I say that because if I remember back to when I was just starting out, running at 5 MPH for only one minute, well, those single minutes never seemed like it would end - but at 7 MPH it was tiring, it was even hard, but wasn't impossible.

We slowed back to 4 MPH after that 2 minute "sprint" and my wife asks me "how are you doing" ... in which I answered breathlessly, "tired." So as time approaches to run again, she asks me "how fast do you want?" ... not one to back down, I said "seven." Since seven is what we set out to do, that's exactly what I'd do. We ran again, again, it was tiring. Then we slowed before running again. We slowed one final time to 4 MPH, and my wife mentioned that she wasn't feeling well - her breakfast wasn't sitting right - so she recommends walking for 3 minutes this time, so we do, before upping our speed, but only to 6 MPH this time. After that two minutes is up, I am tired, and ask to walk for 4 minutes. During that time, my wife decides that the bounce of the treadmill is upsetting her stomach, so she leaves me alone, as she goes to perform her activity on the elliptical.

At this point, I know I'm too worn out to continue with the intervals, so I set the treadmill at 5 MPH and begin jogging - and last for the 10 full minutes before slowing my pace for my cool down. A good workout - I pushed myself at times and other times, returned to what I knew I could do. I felt good for it, and we still had our full Saturday in front of us, since we had gotten up early and went to the gym directly after breakfast (see my wife having stomach issues).

In total, I walked at 3.0 MPH for the 5 minute warm up for 0.25 miles, I walked during the intervals at 4.0 MPH for 12 minutes total for 0.80 miles, I ran at 7 MPH for 6 total minutes for 0.70 miles, I ran at 6 MPH for 2 minutes during one interval for 0.20 miles, and I ran for 10 minutes at 5 MPH for a distance of 0.83 miles. With cool down, I completed a total of 36 minutes and 2.81 miles.

In January, 7 MPH for any length of time would have been unimaginable. Today is a good day, and hopefully workout number 1 to run that 5k come October 24th - more to come on that as the day approaches.

Day 44: Friday, May 8, 2009

On day 44, I simply had plans to work my muscles and skip the cardio. For the most part, I was able to accomplish that. It had been 2 days since I had lifted weights, so I was anxious to get back in that groove.

I worked out the same as I had on Tuesday, at least when it came to the weights. However, it only took me about 20 minutes to fulfill the rotation, so I decided to use the next 10 minutes to get in some minor cardio activity.

On the treadmill, I ran at 6 MPH for 2:30, but was A) fatigued from the weight lifting, and B) 6 MPH seems to be quite a huge step up over 5.5 MPH. With that said, I slowed my pace to 3.5 MPH to catch my breath before upping my pace again, but this time, to only the 5.5 MPH. I ran another 2:30 at the 5.5 before again slowing down, realizing that I was just too tired for too much cardio after lifting the weights. Oh well, no loss, I got the weight lifting in, and that was my main focus for day 44.

In total, I walked 5 minutes at 3.5 MPH for 0.29 miles, I ran at 6 MPH for 2:30 for 0.25 miles, and I ran at 5.5 MPH for 2:30 for a distance of 0.23 miles. Totalling for the treadmill 10 minutes for 0.77 miles.

With the weights, I will use the same format as before where I just list the activity but do not go into too much detail. The amount of detail that needs to be known is that yes, my muscles were fatigued, but I realized that they were fatigued more so on some weights over others, and for this reason, I realized today, that in the future when considering weights, there are some lifts that I can actually do more weight on - but for now, this list will look quite similar to Tuesday's activity - sans the push ups:

Bicep curls - free weights - 20 lbs. each arm - 45 reps
Tricep curls - machine - 20 lbs. total - 30 reps
Lat pulldown - machine - 70 lbs. total - 30 reps
Deltoid Laterals - machine - 50 lbs. total - 30 reps
Butterfiles - machine - 50 lbs. total - 30 reps

And thus, my Friday workout was complete.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 43: Thursday, May 7, 2009

Well, even after my body being worn out on Wednesday, I still managed to find my way to the gym for Thursday. Seeing as in how my arms were still sore from lifting weights on Tuesday, I decided to not push the weight lifting regime. I figured it better to allow my muscles ample time to repair and build before trying to work them out again, in case injury could occur. With that said, I once again found myself on the treadmill.

Remembering how exhausted I ended up being the previous day, I decided to only do my runs at 5.2 MPH and hope that, with the slower pace, I could run longer, and thus further. Mission not necessarily accomplished. While I did manage to run longer, I did not go for a greater distance. But not to despair, I still did activity, and that is the important thing.

I got on the treadmill and as soon as I began to run I felt pretty good. I was making longer strides, not necessarily because I had to, but because I could. I felt good, my breathing was good, and I briefly felt as if I would be able to run the full 30 minutes. Not to be so, however.

I ran (after the initial one minute walk to set the settings for the machine) for the first 17 minutes. I had hoped for at least 20 full minutes of running, but I knew I couldn't do it as the time approached. I was certainly wearing down, both mentally and physically. I possibly could have pushed myself that extra 3 minutes, but I did not.

So I slowed for two minutes to a walk before running another three minutes. In the remaining 7 minutes of time, I only managed another three minutes of running.

In total, I walked at 4 MPH for 7 minutes for a distance of 0.47 miles, I ran at 5.2 MPH for 23 minutes for a distance of 1.99 miles, and I completed in total, with cool down, 2.50 miles in 31 minutes.

As I said, I improved the length of the run over Wednesday by 3 minutes, but given the fact that I ran at a slower pace, I completed a total of .03 miles less than Wednesday (running .16 miles more though). But as I said, no need to despair, the added activity can only benefit me, and I'm happy to get up and do it, even if some days I dread going to the gym, and even if, on other days, I cramp or become fatigued more quickly than others. Every day is different, but if the one constant can be actually working, then I know me and my body are moving in the right direction.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 42: Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another day, another workout. After focusing on lifting weights the previous day, I decided it was another treadmill night, and that's precisely what I did.

I started the night with the custom 1 minute walk at 4 MPH before upping the intensity to 5.5 MPH. As I ran, I felt okay, but as time progressed I grew increasingly tired, and my breathing became somewhat of a problem. I think, in times when my breathing becomes an issue, it's not so much that I'm out of breath, but that I'm breathing improperly and shallow. It seems, this is more due to the fact that I am focusing on the clock, rather than the run - so I know going forward, I need to focus more on the run.

With that said, I really didn't notice my breathing being an issue until about the 14 minute mark - I was attempting to run for 15 minutes straight at the 5.5 MPH; to do this, I would have to run until the 16 minute mark. But at the 14th minute or so, I began worrying what the clock was telling me, and began having issues. I finally did make it to the 16 minute mark, after all, it was only two minutes, but I did struggle a bit on the breathing - however, my legs still felt fine.

Then I slowed to walk at 4 MPH for 2 minutes. At the 18 minute mark, I wanted to run for the next 5 minutes, but I failed quite miserably - this time, due to my legs feeling fatigued. So I ran only 2 minutes until the 20 minute mark. I again walked for 2 minutes before trying to run for the next 3 minutes (up to the 25 minute mark) and once again, my legs failed me and I was only able to produce 2 minutes. I then walked for 2 more minutes as I was becoming increasingly exhausted, before running for one final minute to ensure I ran for 20 minutes before slowing my pace to end my 30 minutes on the treadmill.

In total, I walked for 10 minutes at 4 MPH for a distance of .67 miles, I ran at 5.5 MPH for 20 minutes for a distance of 1.83 miles, and in total, I completed 31 minutes for 2.53 MPH.

Initially, on this day, I felt good, but then that faded after my breathing started to go wrong at around the 14 minute mark. After that, every time I began to run, my legs instantly seemed more fatigued, and forced me to slow my pace even further. However, with all that said, I still was able to manage a respectable 20 minutes worth of running activity, which is still quite a fit in my own right, considering where I started from - and I never want to forget that and become discouraged over one night's worth of activity. Instead, I will try again, and again, until ultimately, I am running the entire 30 minutes - perhaps one day in the not so distant future, I can also complete a 30 minute 5k, but I won't get ahead of myself just yet. For now, I am happy with what I am accomplishing, and that's all that matters to me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 41: Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo. Ah, what a glorious day! As an American, it's only natural that I would want to celebrate the Mexican Holiday that commemorates the Mexican Army's unlikely victory of the French way back in 1862. Certainly, nothing would delight me more than to drink some Mexican beer. Oh what joy, and given that Tuesday has been a traditional, of sorts, well, "holiday" for me while going through my workouts, it would make for a natural celebration day for me, right? Not so fast.

I actually skipped Cinco de Mayo. Which was the first time in a very long time, and I did one better than that, I actually hit the gym!

I didn't, however do any cardio. I spent about 30 minutes in the gym total, focusing on weight training - since I have been feeling as if some of my weight loss has been due to loss of muscle (I do not have any concrete evidence on this, it was just how I was feeling before hitting the gym).

When I hit the gym, no one was present, which was good since I don't enjoy hitting the weights with too many people, seemingly, standing around watching. I don't like the feeling of prying eyes, as if everyone is scrutinizing just how much you can lift. Anyway, it was empty, so my spirits were instantly lifted.

I did my rounds on a few different machines and free weights, so instead of long boring details about how I felt on each machine - by the way, I felt great the entire time, and I even feel my initial thought of "having lost muscle weight" was inaccurate, as I was able to lift longer, not necessarily more (I didn't try) than I had lifted in a long, long time. With that said, I will just list the exercises, machines (if any), weight used, and reps.

Bicep curls - free weight - 20 lbs. each arm - 55 reps
Tricep curls - machine - 20 lb. total - 30 reps
Push ups - floor - no weight - 30 reps
Lat pulldown - machine - 70 lbs. total - 30 reps
Deltoid Laterals - machine - 50 lbs. total - 30 reps
Butterflies - machine - 50 lbs. total - 30 reps

It wasn't a whole lot. I probably could have gone longer, but I didn't. The main focus was to attempt to get a more broad spectrum of weights and types of workouts in, and I feel as if I accomplished that. For a traditional day off, it felt good, and it also felt good knowing I haven't lost any muscle mass in my weight loss - but they needed to be nurtured again, to remind me that they are there. I will - hopefully - going forward, add 3 days of a similar routine to my workout schedule. For a traditional day off, at least by my standards, I'll take the added activity. My arms and muscles, also appreciate the love! Cinco de Mayo be damned!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 40: Monday, May 4, 2009

Well, during the day on Monday, I did not feel like going to the gym. I still felt worn down from the weekend all day, and my legs were still aching, much like they had done on Sunday, Day 39 when I cut my workout short, so I really wasn't sure if I'd even make it to the gym, let alone if I'd be able to produce while there. Well, I'm writing this post, so it's obvious I did make it.

Actually, when I got home, I felt good. I had energy, I had a great dinner (tofu chicken and lite Caesar salad in a weight watchers 100 calorie whole wheat pita), and I wasn't going to be denied the gym.

When I got downstairs, I hopped onto a treadmill. I walked the first minute at 4 MPH - as I've stated before, so I can enter my specifications and get the right music set up - before I began to jog at 5.2 MPH. Then, I notice, in front of me is a hockey game (the Penguins vs. the Capitals) and the third period had just begun, which for me, is absolutely perfect - I knew the game would keep my mind off the actually running at hand.

Nine minutes pass - still feeling good, so I know I can go another 5 minutes and hit the 15 minute mark. 15 minutes comes, and I realize, that in order to have been running for 15 minutes, I need to hit the 16 minute mark. As 16 minutes approaches, I decide I'm going to shoot for 20 minutes, I'm just feeling that good. My legs did not ache, my breathing was good, and the game was keeping me occupied (for the most part, I still noticed the time as it inched by, but it was a good game). Then, I hit the 19 minute mark, and think "one more minute" - not so, however, as I realized, one more minute wouldn't suffice me, I needed two more minutes so I could slow my pace at 21 minutes, meaning I would have been running at 5.2 MPH for 20 minutes straight, and I pushed myself to accomplish this feat.

Running for 20 minutes in a row was something that was absolutely unthinkable when I started on day one where I was quoted as saying (when I only ran 10 minutes of the full 30 minutes), "At least a few times, I had the thought in my mind that I should just stop - that running was way too hard for me . . ." Indeed, it used to be excruciating pain to run just one minute of every 3, so to run for 20 minutes straight, is really a great, great accomplishment!!! I may get that 5 k yet!!!

So I did it, I slowed at the 21 minute mark, but what I did, was walk for only one minute before picking my pace back up. I then proceeded to jog for the next 5 minutes, before slowing again to begin my cool down session.

In total, I ran 25 minutes at 5.2 MPH (and 25 of the first 27 minutes) for a distance of 2.17 miles, I walked at 4 MPH for 5 minutes for a distance of .33 miles. Complete with cool down, I completed 2.53 miles in 31 minutes. And with that, my workout was complete. For someone who didn't think they'd even make it to the gym, I feel it was a great accomplishment. I am still glowing today (Tuesday) from it!!!!

On Monday, also, I got an unsolicited "you look like you're losing weight" comment from an unexpected source. It was nice to hear - and I think it added to my motivation for the day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 16 Recap

Well, this has been my first fully reported on week in quite some time. This is the week where I also started eating differently. The difference in my eating habits is in that I realized I have to eat more, in order to lose the weight, but in eating more, I needed to eat healthier options. I had been eating a lot of processed foods, and that is never a good thing. With that said, it is time to see how the new eating habits and workout regime have benefited me, if at all.

The workouts went fairly smoothly this week. I really pushed myself when on the treadmill to run for as long as I possibly could. I increased my running times for 3 of the 4 days (on the 4th day, I was extremely drained). I had a total distance of 2.53 miles on Monday, 2.47 miles on Wednesday - of which I ran longer than Monday, but at a slower rate, and 3.30 miles on Thursday - when I completed 40 minutes of activity. Sunday, I only completed 20 minutes for 1.58 miles total.

On to my weigh-ins. I was extremely surprised to see a 196 on the scale on Sunday morning, but then I was equally disappointed to see a 200 at the end of the day on the scale. All in all, with the average, my current weight is 198 pounds, which is the least I have weighed in since starting this program, and definitely the lowest I've been in a really, really long time - probably 10 years or more.

Last week I had weighed in at 200.8 pounds, so a one week weight loss average of 2.8 pounds, I will take for this one week. It feels good, even though, I dreaded the gym on Sunday, and right now, on Monday morning, I can't say I'm really looking forward to the gym tonight - hopefully that changes, and I keep pushing towards my weight-loss goal.

Day 39: Sunday, May 3, 2009

I woke up today knowing I had to get to the gym. It had been a couple of days since I had made it there, so I made it a point to go as soon as I got the chance, which just happened to be after an early morning grocery store run to buy my weeks worth of fruits and vegetables.

I got the gym and I really wasn't feeling it, but I knew I had to do some activity or else risk missing my third day in a row. So I start with the free weights. I do a few sets of curls before realizing, it was time for me to get onto the treadmill.

On the treadmill, I felt like I had lead in my shoes. My running was labored and my breathing was hard. Also, the sun was shining brightly into my eyes - and the windows at the gym do not provide any shades to stop this phenomena. With all that being the case, I was not able to go a full 30 minutes - and definitely didn't complete anything more than that.

In total, I completed 50 curls of a 20 lb. weight per each arm. On the treadmill, I walked at 4 MPH for 8 minutes for a distance of .53 miles, I ran for 3 minutes at 5.5 for a distance of .27 miles, and I ran at 5 MPH for 9 minutes for a distance of .75 miles. Complete with cool down, I completed just 21 minutes for 1.58 miles.

It wasn't a spectacular workout, but it was more activity than I had done previously, but as I mentioned, my legs were drained - walking the previous day around Chicago, and walking to the grocery store that morning had made them rubber - so I am content with the extra 1.58 I added to my day worth of activity.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 38: Thursday, April 30, 2009

Well, today I ran (more accurately jogged) - and kind of just kept going. I improved over the previous few days workouts, at least on the treadmill.

When I got on the treadmill, I walked for one minute at 4 MPH - this initial walk, I do not think I will be able to do anything about, since during this time I work to get my weight and age entered into the treadmill and to make sure everything is as it should be - at any rate, I walked for the first minute, and then I began at 5.2 MPH. I ran for the next 14 minutes straight before slowing my pace again to 4 MPH to catch my breath. One minute of walking later, I began to run again, and ran for the next 4 minutes, until the total time on the treadmill totaled 20 minutes.

I then slowed again, and began to walk, this time, for two minutes before upping my speed to 5.2 MPH again, which I then ran for 3 minutes before again slowing my speed. I slowed again after 2 minutes and then walked another one, before upping my speed for another 2 minutes - effectively giving me 24 minutes worth of running in 30 minutes.

But I wasn't done. At the 30 minute mark, I walked until 31 minutes into my workout and began to run again. I ran for another 3 minutes, growing weary at this point, before again slowing to a walk. I had to do it though, I had to push myself to get to 30 minutes worth of running in 40 minutes time. I upped my speed after another minute of walking, and ran for 2 minutes, I was almost there, but I had to slow. I walked for 30 seconds before upping my speed to run that final minute needed. I then slowed to a walk to complete my workout and cooled down for a minute at varying slowing speeds.

What I did accomplish, even though my speed was only 5.2 MPH during the times which I ran, was completing 3.1 miles (the distance of a 5k) in about 38 minutes. Something, that a few months ago seemed highly unlikely! And while I was tired, I wasn't THAT exhausted. Yes, I did have to slow my pace at the times that I did, and yes, towards the end of my time tonight, I was worn down - my legs ached slightly, but mostly, my breathing was becoming increasingly intense. I probably could have continued, but I figured, why push myself too far too fast? After all, running for 30 minutes out of 40, even at the pace of 5.2 MPH, is a big deal for me, and I'm happy I was able to complete the task (though, technically, I did not set out for this to be the task, but as time moved forth, I knew I could do it, and began striving for it).

In total, I walked 10 minutes at 4 MPH for a distance of 0.67 miles, I ran at 5.2 MPH for 30 minutes for a distance of 2.60 miles, and complete with cool down, I completed 41 minutes for a distance of 3.30 miles. It was definitely a good workout, and I am certainly moving in the right direction again (after my weeks of falling off, due to circumstances or otherwise). This week has been a good week - and good for motivation.