Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 17: Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well, I didn't feel at all like running today. I didn't feel like walking. I didn't feel like being active in any way, shape, or form. But I did it anyway.

I began in the same fashion - walking at 4 MPH for 1:45 and then running at 5 MPH for 1:15 - repeating the intervals 10 times until I reached 30 minutes.

I began the first interval, and felt like quitting. I just didn't feel like running. My breathing was fine, my steps were in rhythm, and my music in sync, but I just didn't feel it. So I continued, through my second interval, feeling as if I should quit. Third interval, I just want to stop. Fourth interval, we'll, I've made it this far, I might as well continue. Fifth interval - well, guess I'm not going to stop. Then onto the "home stretch" I no longer felt the desire to quit, though I still knew I did not feel at all like doing my workout - I instead told myself, "30 minutes, then you are done" just as a way to motivate myself to finish the final ten minutes.

As I said, despite not actually wanting to run or walk - my breathing, for the entire 30 minute time lapse was, well, easy. It was as if I wasn't running at all. Sure, from time to time, towards the end of a few of my running intervals, I had to take a deep breath, but that was it; there was no other labored breathing in any fashion. So, to say the least, I know I am moving forward with my lung capacity and my stamina - so I will take the victory and continue moving forward.

In all, I walked at 4 MPH for 17:30 for 1.17 miles, I ran at 5 MPH for 12:30 for 1.04 miles, and I totaled in all (with cool down session) 32:00 for 2.31 miles.

I also completed 90 curls of a 40 lb. weight and 15 squats.

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