Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 25: Thursday, February 19, 2008

Another day, another workout.

I began pretty pumped. My routine was changed, so that I could actually do more lifting, or, at the very least, have more time for my lifting, before using the treadmill. I had visions of great lifting numbers, however, that did not come to pass.

Sure, I probably could have done more. I probably could have, and should have, dug deeper - but my muscles were sufficiently fatigued by working out in such short duration that I still only managed 90 reps of the 40 lb weight worth of curls, 40 push ups, and 20 squats - all while holding the 40 lb. weight. Not too bad, I suppose, but I felt it could have been better.

On the treadmill, I began with the same routine as earlier this week - walking at 4 MPH for 1:30 and then running for 1:30 at 5 MPH - only to repeat ten times until reaching the thirty minute mark.

However, at times I labored, but I know why - I was using better form. I was keeping my back straight, my core centered, I was loose, and I tried to run "softly" - instead of heavy footfalls. I also did my best to focus on long, deep breaths - cleansing breaths.

I was hurting. At times I noticed my back begin to arch and my shoulders sag over the front of my core. I quickly corrected it each time I noticed it. At other times, my right hand began to tense, as if, in that tension it could push the rest of my body forth - I relaxed my hand immediately as this occurred. Other times, my feet fell heavy, and I would correct this to a light step. And even other times, my breathing would try to go shallow - hypervenilative, even - which had not happen since the first few weeks of working out, probably due to the fact I am now using proper form, it makes the regime harder to endure - but I would correct the breathing, allowing only one shallow breath, if need be, for every deep, cleansing breath taken.

Running and walking, however, I completed my intervals without really much incident. Keeping the form, I will not jot down to incident. I didn't want to run, I was pumped to begin the workout, but then not 2 minutes in, I felt miserable, and actually, briefly, considered stopping - I endured - and by the time I was 9 minutes in, I told myself, "you're almost done now."

In total, I completed 15 minutes walking at 4 MPH for 1.00 miles; 15 minutes running at 5 MPH for 1.25 miles; in total, completing 31 minutes for 2.28 miles.

No matter how you slice it, I'm still being active, and my time running is still increasing from that first week, were running one minute per every three, I thought would kill me. It feels good to be active again.

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