Monday, February 23, 2009

Week Six Recap

With the incoming of week 6, I reevaluated my interval times - reducing the walking portion and increasing the running portion by 15 seconds each. This kept my intervals at a total of 3 - minutes (which they have been since the beginning of week one), but now, with half of the time allotted for each activity.

The new regime brought some new challenges, at least where Monday and Wednesday were considered. On Monday I did find myself laboring a bit with the new timing structure, but I was able to endure and complete my workout. Then, on Wednesday, it was still hard, but I was able to regain my breathing to normal almost instantly after each run.

On Thursday, I learned of the "proper form" for running - to keep your arms at a 90-degree angle and symmetrical (not over-working one arm), to keep your hands loose and thus, not tense, to stand up straight, and to not run hard - or to keep the steps "soft." This added a new dimension to my workout, but I have been holding true to it since - I have even, on Saturday and Sunday, been able to improve my form by way of not feeling forced to keep it, that it comes pretty naturally.

I weighed myself for the average weight on Sunday. My morning weigh-in came in at 198.5 pounds (hooray me!) but my evening weigh-in came in at 201.0 pounds (boo!). The 201.0 was 4 ounces MORE than I weighed in last Sunday in the morning, and only 12 ounces less than my previous evening weigh-in. Seems like I made minimal strides, at least, on my evening weigh-in, but considering my morning was as good as it was, it helped my overall average.

My average weight for the week was still progress - and is under 200 pounds - at 199.75 pounds, or 199 pounds and 12 ounces. For an average total weight loss for the week of 1.5 pounds, or 1 pound, 8 ounces. Not great, but as I've mentioned before, 2 pounds is "healthy" and not to mention, as I lose more, weight loss will inevitably become less as well.

However, I will not complain, I still lost 1.5 pounds - and I'm still moving in the right direction. I would think my ideal weight is in the 185-190 range (BMI calculators put it at 187 to be in the "normal" range), and once I get into that range, I will reevaluate my look - that is to say, do I still have the belly fat or not - and if I need to keep pushing a few pounds off, I will keep going. But for now, I still have 10-15 pounds to go, so maybe, hopefully, that will shed that belly fat and I can start focusing more on building muscle and increasing stamina, rather than just plain weight loss.

Six weeks down - and the results are already pretty noticeable, if even to myself and my scale - at least we are noticing.

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