Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 13-15 Recap

Okay, so things haven't been going too smoothly for me, at least, in the realm of posting my workouts and updating my progress. This is due to a few factors. As I said in A New Regime I was under the impression that my workouts were becoming too abstract, and with that said, it would be difficult to write out the workouts, but I have since gotten comfortable in the gym, and found my niche, meaning, the workouts are more productive as they become more streamlined and less abstract. With that said, I will now recap the past three weeks now, since I had lagged behind.

As for the "workout number" I am on, I cannot say. I know I have worked out a few times each week at the very least - but with that said, going forward, I will start right where I left off - from Day 36 will be posted for Monday, April 27's workout.

However, this post is about the recap. My weight has been, as follows:

Last time I posted my weight was in the post New Beginning and I weighed 206 pounds at that point. For the past three weigh-ins since that post:

April 12th - 203.5 pounds
April 19th - 202.25 pounds
April 26th - 200.8 pounds

And what we can see here, is that there have been results. No, the pounds are not melting away effortlessly, but they are melting away.

In fact, yesterday, I hit a milestone that I have been becoming increasingly pushing towards - I ran 21 minutes of 30 total minutes on the treadmill. 20 minutes at 5 MPH, and 1 minute at a "sprint" of 6.5 MPH - and I would have sprinted at a faster clip, if the treadmill would provide me with an easier way to lower my speed, once my sprint is over; that is to say, instead of just jumping off.

At any rate, with the better balance and better structure, I hope to continue with my posts again. It seems, with them, comes a sense of responsibility to myself to ensure my hard work is monitored and continues to be increased. I did complete 2.41 miles in 30 minutes on my workout for Sunday (sorry, the post for that workout will not be updated, since I am planning on going forward from here and Sunday was the end of week eleven) - but 2.41 miles is inching closer to the 3.1 for a 5k I hope to complete. First things first, I need to be in better shape, and likely shed 10-15 pounds of fat still along the way. Working out feels good, reporting it, even if only to myself, feels great!

A 5k will be mine in the future, I have no doubt about that.

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