Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 29: Thursday, February 26, 2009

I took Tuesday and Wednesday off. I hadn't exactly planned for either, but sometimes, circumstances dictate our lives and nothing can be done about it. Thursday, I got back on the horse.

Today's workout was pretty typical. Beginning with the same intervals from early this week and last week of 1:30 at 4 MPH for every 1:30 at 5 MPH and repeating until 30 minutes have elapsed.

My breathing was fine. My form is getting better. I'm improving myself still, even if I did take the two days off - progress is all that is important though, not dwelling on the failures of any one particular day.

I completed 15:30 walking at 4 MPH - the additional 30 seconds due to the fact that when I completed my final run, out of habit, I simply reduced my speed to 4 MPH, instead of the usual 3 MPH for my cool down - and completed 1.03 miles. I also completed 15:00 running for 1.25 miles. Complete with cool down I completed 31:30 for 2.31 miles.

I also completed 90 reps of the 40 lb. weight - I realize my number of reps have not increase drastically here, but I do also notice that my range of motion and form are improving. I feel I am to the point where I am doing it the right way, and not "short changing" myself in my reps - and thus, I still feel, even though I still say 90 reps, that I am improving in this regard.

I also did 15 squats without any added weight.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 28: Monday, February 23, 2009

Wow, I did not feel like doing anything today. Well, let me take that back - I did, initially, but that quickly changed.

I did my lifting first - only 60 reps of curls before getting on the treadmill. I began with similar intervals to last week 1:30 at 4 MPH followed by 1:30 at 5 MPH. Immediately, I was hot. I was sweating more than usual, and was just plain feeling warm. I didn't know if I was sick or not, or if something was wrong, but I continued. I got to the 6 minute mark and wondered if I should stop. Then the 9 minute mark, same conclusion - should I just stop? I decided I would stop after 15 minutes - where I would slow to walk 5 more minute to complete a full range of 20 minutes.

I did not stop, however. I couldn't allow myself. So I was hot, so what? I was running and working out, isn't sweat expected? Sure, I felt worn down, beat down, but I had a mission to adhere to - I had 30 minutes to complete, the least I could do was complete my minimum time.

So I pushed. Running was easier than it had been since starting the new intervals - the breathing was normal, the strides were steady, but I was just overwhelmingly hot, and I couldn't explain it. But I continued to push - what gain would there be if I wasn't willing to be uncomfortable from time to time? 30 minutes wasn't so bad.

I counted down - 3 runs left, 2 runs left, and finally, the last run. And I completed my "minimum" regime.

I walked at 4 MPH for 15 minutes for 1.00 miles, ran at 5 MPH for 15 minutes for 1.25 miles, and completed with my cool down - 31 minutes for a distance of 2.29 miles.

It was a rough workout, but I'm happy I was able to endure it. I would have felt as if I short changed myself had I not. Tuesday night had been (thus far) a weekly night off, and at this point, I'm thinking it will continue in this trend.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week Six Recap

With the incoming of week 6, I reevaluated my interval times - reducing the walking portion and increasing the running portion by 15 seconds each. This kept my intervals at a total of 3 - minutes (which they have been since the beginning of week one), but now, with half of the time allotted for each activity.

The new regime brought some new challenges, at least where Monday and Wednesday were considered. On Monday I did find myself laboring a bit with the new timing structure, but I was able to endure and complete my workout. Then, on Wednesday, it was still hard, but I was able to regain my breathing to normal almost instantly after each run.

On Thursday, I learned of the "proper form" for running - to keep your arms at a 90-degree angle and symmetrical (not over-working one arm), to keep your hands loose and thus, not tense, to stand up straight, and to not run hard - or to keep the steps "soft." This added a new dimension to my workout, but I have been holding true to it since - I have even, on Saturday and Sunday, been able to improve my form by way of not feeling forced to keep it, that it comes pretty naturally.

I weighed myself for the average weight on Sunday. My morning weigh-in came in at 198.5 pounds (hooray me!) but my evening weigh-in came in at 201.0 pounds (boo!). The 201.0 was 4 ounces MORE than I weighed in last Sunday in the morning, and only 12 ounces less than my previous evening weigh-in. Seems like I made minimal strides, at least, on my evening weigh-in, but considering my morning was as good as it was, it helped my overall average.

My average weight for the week was still progress - and is under 200 pounds - at 199.75 pounds, or 199 pounds and 12 ounces. For an average total weight loss for the week of 1.5 pounds, or 1 pound, 8 ounces. Not great, but as I've mentioned before, 2 pounds is "healthy" and not to mention, as I lose more, weight loss will inevitably become less as well.

However, I will not complain, I still lost 1.5 pounds - and I'm still moving in the right direction. I would think my ideal weight is in the 185-190 range (BMI calculators put it at 187 to be in the "normal" range), and once I get into that range, I will reevaluate my look - that is to say, do I still have the belly fat or not - and if I need to keep pushing a few pounds off, I will keep going. But for now, I still have 10-15 pounds to go, so maybe, hopefully, that will shed that belly fat and I can start focusing more on building muscle and increasing stamina, rather than just plain weight loss.

Six weeks down - and the results are already pretty noticeable, if even to myself and my scale - at least we are noticing.

Day 27: Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 27 had much the same feel as day 26 - in that I really didn't feel like getting off the couch, but knowing I have a schedule to adhere to, I had no choice but to get up and get moving. My body, seemingly worked against me today, in that I had some additional aches and pains, but I pushed through those, and completed slightly more than the self-prescribed minimum.

I began the same as I have all week - beginning to walk at 4 MPH for 1:30 for every 1:30 running at 5 MPH - and almost instantly, I felt a twinge in my left knee and thigh. It wasn't like anything was damaged, or that I was actually hurt, it just hurt for the moment. The longer I ran, however, the intensity of the "injury" did not increase - and so I persevered through the pain.

Despite feeling "hurt," I was able to actually slightly g0 over my time on my final run - by completing a full 2 minutes over the 30 minute mark - or, in other words, I ran for a full 3:30 on my final run before slowing for my cool down.

Today was much easier than earlier in the week - where I was having slight trouble with the new regime (thinking 1:30 while running never felt so long, and 1:30 walking never felt so fast). I was able to keep my form and even sing along with some of my music (while not gasping for air). I again (or still?) feel like I'm truly moving in the right direction - soon, perhaps, my body will look as I wish it too.

Today I completed 15:00 walking at 4 MPH for 1.00 miles, 17:00 running at 5 MPH for 1.42 miles, and totaling (with cool down) 33:30 for 2.47 miles.

I completed 90 curl reps of the 40 lb. weight.

Week 6 is in the books - onto week 7 beginning Monday evening.

Day 26: Saturday, February 21, 2009

Well, I didn't much feel like working out on this day, and I think it showed since I failed to really push myself at all, but I will give myself a reprieve since I did actually do some activity, and we all know some is always better than none at all.

On Thursday's workout, I started running more "proper" and it showed in I was having a hard time keeping my form while maintaining my breathing - oh sure, I did, but it took effort. On Saturday, however, I was more relaxed in the new form.

I began on Saturday in the same fashion as the past week - 1:30 walking at 4 MPH for every 1:30 running at 5 MPH. Half and half. Just like every time I have changed my running dynamics, at the beginning it was hard - to the point where I scarcely thought I could finish my workout - to increasingly easier; I think this has gotten into the "easier" category now.

I didn't really breath heavy at all completing my intervals today. I was pretty even in my steps, and was able to maintain my form - i.e. standing up straight, soft steps, breathing deeply, with arms symmetrical and loose. Despite not completing a long workout (I did hit the minimum I have set up), I felt like I had made big strides to where I am hoping to be - which, for starters is running for 30 minutes straight, in order to be in shape to complete the 5k.

In all - I walked for 15 minutes for 1.00 miles, ran for 15 minutes for 1.25 miles, and in total, completed 31 minutes for 2.28 miles.

I also completed 45 curl reps of the 40 lb. weight.

Like I said, it wasn't much, but it much, much more activity than I had grown accustom to just 6 short weeks ago.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 25: Thursday, February 19, 2008

Another day, another workout.

I began pretty pumped. My routine was changed, so that I could actually do more lifting, or, at the very least, have more time for my lifting, before using the treadmill. I had visions of great lifting numbers, however, that did not come to pass.

Sure, I probably could have done more. I probably could have, and should have, dug deeper - but my muscles were sufficiently fatigued by working out in such short duration that I still only managed 90 reps of the 40 lb weight worth of curls, 40 push ups, and 20 squats - all while holding the 40 lb. weight. Not too bad, I suppose, but I felt it could have been better.

On the treadmill, I began with the same routine as earlier this week - walking at 4 MPH for 1:30 and then running for 1:30 at 5 MPH - only to repeat ten times until reaching the thirty minute mark.

However, at times I labored, but I know why - I was using better form. I was keeping my back straight, my core centered, I was loose, and I tried to run "softly" - instead of heavy footfalls. I also did my best to focus on long, deep breaths - cleansing breaths.

I was hurting. At times I noticed my back begin to arch and my shoulders sag over the front of my core. I quickly corrected it each time I noticed it. At other times, my right hand began to tense, as if, in that tension it could push the rest of my body forth - I relaxed my hand immediately as this occurred. Other times, my feet fell heavy, and I would correct this to a light step. And even other times, my breathing would try to go shallow - hypervenilative, even - which had not happen since the first few weeks of working out, probably due to the fact I am now using proper form, it makes the regime harder to endure - but I would correct the breathing, allowing only one shallow breath, if need be, for every deep, cleansing breath taken.

Running and walking, however, I completed my intervals without really much incident. Keeping the form, I will not jot down to incident. I didn't want to run, I was pumped to begin the workout, but then not 2 minutes in, I felt miserable, and actually, briefly, considered stopping - I endured - and by the time I was 9 minutes in, I told myself, "you're almost done now."

In total, I completed 15 minutes walking at 4 MPH for 1.00 miles; 15 minutes running at 5 MPH for 1.25 miles; in total, completing 31 minutes for 2.28 miles.

No matter how you slice it, I'm still being active, and my time running is still increasing from that first week, were running one minute per every three, I thought would kill me. It feels good to be active again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Summary Workouts 11 through 20

This post is just a way to quickly and easily find the times and distances spent walking, running, and total, so as not to have to go back and read all of the 10 posts leading up to this summary:

For this post, all times listed under "walk" refer to 4 MPH, all times listed as "run" refer to 5 MPH, and all "curl reps" refer to doing curls of a 40 pound weight. If the squats were completed while holding the 40 pound weight, it will be noted, otherwise, assume no weights were used in completing the squats:

  • Day 11: Wednesday, January 28, 2009: 17:30 walk - 1.17 miles; 13:00 run - 1.08 miles; 32:30 total - 2.32 miles. Curl reps = 75; push ups = 30; squats = 10.
  • Day 12: Saturday, January 31, 2009: 18:00 walk - 1.20 miles; 13:00 run - 1.08 miles; 32:30 total - 2.33 miles. Curl reps = 75; push ups = 30.
  • Day 13: Sunday, February 1, 2009: 30:00 walk - 2.00 miles; no running; 31:00 total - 2.03 miles. No weight training (I was sick)
  • Day 14: Monday, February 2, 2009: 15:00 walk - 1.00 miles; no running; 15:00 total - 1.00 miles. No weight training (I was sick)
  • Day 15: Wednesday, February 4, 2009: 17:30 walk - 1.17 miles; 13:30 run - 1.13 miles; 32:30 total - 2.35 miles. Curl reps = 90; push ups = 45; squats = 10.
  • Day 16: Saturday, February 7, 2009: 17:30 walk - 1.17 miles; 12:30 run - 1.04 miles; 32:00 total - 2.32 miles. Curl reps = 90; push ups = 30.
  • Day 17: Sunday, February 8, 2009: 17:30 walk - 1.17 miles; 12:30 run - 1.04 miles; 32:00 total - 2.31 miles. Curl reps = 90; squats = 15.
  • Day 18: Monday, February 9, 2009: 17:30 walk - 1.17 miles; 12:30 run - 1.04 miles; 31:00 minutes - 2.25 miles. Curl reps = 45
  • Day 19: Wednesday, February 11, 2009: 18:00 walk - 1.20 miles; 15:30 run - 1.29 miles; 35:00 minutes - 2.55 miles. Curl reps = 75; push ups = 30; squats = 15.
  • Day 20: Thursday, February 12, 2009: 16:15 walk - 1.08 miles; 13:45 run - 1.15 miles; 31:00 total - 2.25 miles. Curl reps = 60; squats with weight = 15.

Day 24: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

After my typical day off on Tuesday, I was kind of itching to get back on the treadmill on Wednesday - not totally looking forward to it, but I knew I had to do it.

I began with the only weight lifting I would do - by completing 60 reps of the 40 lb. weight in curls.

I than began in with my regime I started on Monday - 1:30 walking at 4 MPH for every 1:30 for running at 5 MPH.

This time I found it easier. I was able to run, and not really labor in my breathing. Sure, there were times where I was hopefully my time running would come to an end, but instantly, my breathing returned to normal. I think this is the greatest testament that the added activity is benefitting my body - I have a greater lung capacity.

I ended up running passed the 30:00 mark tonight because, well, my music play list was off. I thought I knew the lyric where I would need to cease running, only to find that the lyric in question would have ended me at 30:15 - so once I realized I had already, inadvertently, bypassed 30 minutes, I decided to run to the next whole minute.

In total, I walked 4 MPH for 15 minutes with a distance of 1.00 miles; I ran at 5 MPH for 16 minutes for a distance of 1.33 miles; in total, I completed 32 minutes for a total distance of 1.35 miles.

And as stated above, I completed only 60 reps worth of curls at 40 lbs.

I am feeling healthier, I am having increased stamina, I am sleeping better, and I am not tired throughout the day (another attribute to the increased stamina). All things considered, I feel so much better, even if I drag myself onto the treadmill once or twice per week when I don't "feel like it" - I'd much rather force myself to exercise than go back to my lethargic ways.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 23: Monday, February 16, 2009

Well, today was my day to change my routine. It had been a couple of weeks since I had upped my running portion to 1:15, and the time had come where I have been able to run this time frame with, essential, ease, and so my body needed a new shock so as not to grow complacent.

I decided to keep my speeds constant, that is to say, walking at 4 MPH and running at 5 MPH, but change the duration to be 1:30 per side - repeating until I hit the 30 minute mark.

Something about 15 seconds just doesn't seem right - who knew 15 seconds could make such a huge difference. I was slightly worn down, and hoping that my running periods could feel shorter. I definitely had to push myself a bit more - which is not, necessarily, a bad thing.

I was able to complete the 30 minutes with fairly minimal strain. My breathing (which is an important one) didn't seem too terribly labored. The steps, on the other hand, felt hard, as my legs pushed forward, they wanted to stop - not cease up, but just stop, as in rest, but I wouldn't let them.

I completed the 30 minutes at a half and half split of running vs. walking - then I walked at 4 MPH for 3 minutes before beginning my cool down for the next two minutes.

In total, I completed 35:00 for a distance of 2.50 miles. I walked at 4 MPH for 18 minutes for a distance of 1.20 miles and ran at 5 MPH for 15 minutes for a distance of 1.25 miles.

I also completed 90 curls at 40 lbs. - completing 60 of these before getting on the treadmill and 30 after. I also did 15 squats on either side of the treadmill workout - 15 before non-weight aided, and 15 after while holding the 40 lb. weight.

Week 6 is off to a good start - we'll see how long it takes for me to get fully used to the new regime and new duration of running.

Week Five Recap

Well, five weeks are in the books already - can you believe it? I sure know I can't. It seems like just yesterday I began this routine. It really has become a part of my life now too. I feel guilty when I don't work out, and over-eating has ceased to be an issue for me, since my stomach seemingly has shrunk in such a short period.

This week started off poorly. I had every intention of running on Tuesday, only to be slammed at work, and thus stuck at work - until 8:15 PM (getting home at 9 PM); so I tried my hardest to make up for it the remainder of the week. I did not skip any day I intended to work out, which is definitely a big plus. Also, I saw some decent results on the scale (even seeing a "one" in front of my weight for the first time in a long time on Saturday - but that is not the "official" weigh in day - hopefully next week will be different). However, my highest mark this week (on the official Sunday weigh-in) was not has high as my lowest weigh-in mark after week 4 - again, it's all about progress.

I weighed in on Sunday morning at 200.8 lbs - or 200 lbs. and 12 ounces. At the end of the night, I weighed in at 201.8 lbs. - 201 lbs. and 12 ounces - for an average of 201.25 lbs. or , 201 lbs and 4 ounces. So close to breaking the 200 barrier - and as I said above, I hope I can achieve this feat after week 6, but only time will tell.

Considering last week I averaged 205.8 lbs, I can safely say I lost just over 4 lbs. this week - and all it takes is a little lifestyle change - and I am seeing dramatic results (I can feel and see them on myself as well - the results are not all just on the scale).

Since beginning my regime, I have lost 11.25 lbs. in just 5 weeks - it's only just over 2 lbs. per week, and that's fine, because, considering I haven't actually CHANGED my habits, I will take the weight loss as a huge plus. I feel so much better. Now if only the weather would get better, I could spend some time outside walking the trails or the beach - anything to get up, get out, and be active . . . all in due time, I suppose.

Day 22: Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today, I decided I didn't feel much like running (or walking for that matter). I woke early, but had to run a few errands before I was able to get on the treadmill - probably around 9:30, I was able to get on, but I really didn't feel much up to it.

Because of my lack of interest, I decided to do my normal routine, and nothing more or less. It was a struggle, but I did what I deemed was "required" - that is to say 1:45 walking at 4 MPH and running for 1:15 at 5 MPH - and repeat the pattern until I hit the 30-minute mark.

I did limited muscle exercises today, limiting myself to 30 curls at 40 lbs. and 30 push ups.

Walking, I completed 17:30 for a distance of 1.17 miles; running, I completed 12:30 for a distance of 1.04 miles; total with cool down, I completed a pretty pathetic 32 minutes for 2.25 miles.

For not "feeling like it", it was a good accomplishment just the same. It's 2.25 miles I would not have ran/walked otherwise.

Day 21: Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well, today, I woke up extremely early for a weekend. Since I had nothing really planned (and nothing was open yet anyway), I decided to try to workout (i.e. on the treadmill) for an hour. I almost made the full hour, but failed when I began to cramp.

I started out with 60 curls at 40 lbs. before hopping on the treadmill. Then I began on the treadmill in "traditional" fashion - that is to say 1:45 walking at 4 MPH followed by 1:15 running at 5 MPH. However, this did not last.

I made a mistake in setting up my play-list for my music (leaving a song off the list), and because of this, I promptly changed my timing structure, so as to help me not get bored while running.

The first 4 reps I completed in traditional fashion, but after that, that is where one of my songs was left off. With that being the case, the next time I ran, I went for 2:30 before walking for the normal time of 1:45, only to run again for 2:30 the next time I ran.

After that, I began to alternate every minute between running and walking. And on my final run (I did not plan this to be my final run) I began to cramp, and decided it was time to call it a day.

In total, I completed 22 minutes both walking at 4 MPH and running at 5 MPH. Walking, I completed 1.47 miles and running I completed 1.83 miles. With cool down, I totaled 46:00 with a total distance of 3.38. I surpassed the 3.1 mile mark (that of the 5k) at the 41:00 mark - which would be a horrible time. If I were trying to compete, this would have to be cut in half, at the very least.

Other than that, I also did 75 curls at 40 lbs. 15 push ups and 15 squats (non-weight aided).

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 20: Thursday, February 12, 2009

Well today, I kind of moved out of my normal routine. I did this, kind of based on necessity, kind of based on boredom. I was in a small time crunch yesterday, but at the same time, the same routine is getting, well, routine.

I began the workout with two sets of 30 reps each of curls at 40 lbs. (these would be the only curls I would do today). And then I got onto the treadmill.

I began in similar fashion onto the treadmill, and almost instantly realized I was pretty hungry. But I began with a 1:15 run at 5 MPH for each 1:45 walk at 4 MPH. I did this for a repetition of 6 reps (18:00). Then I decided to change things up. At 19:45 - I decided to run "2 reps worth of running at one time" - so I ran 2:30 - to the 22:15 mark. Then I walked until the 24:30 mark before running another 2:30. At the 27:00 mark, I walked for 1:30 before running one minute, returning my speed to 4 MPH for the final 30 seconds leading up to 30:00 and my cool down.

In total, given this bizarre pattern, I walked at 4 MPH for 16:15 for a distance of 1.08 miles, I ran at 5 MPH for 13:45 for a distance of 1.15 miles, and complete with cool down, I completed 31:00 minutes for a total of 2.25 miles. It was a slight decline from the previous night, but given that I ran 5 minutes of a 7:15 block, I felt really good - and scarcely did I notice any fatigue at all - which is, of course, excellent for my conditioning.

I did 60 curls of 40 lbs. and completed one set of 15 squats while holding the 40 lb. weight.

20 workouts in the books, and I feel like I am truly gaining stamina, and I can visibly see that I am losing weight - on Sunday, the scale will be the true measure of this fact. If anything however, I am losing fat, and if I am gaining muscle to take the place of the poundage lost in fat, we'll, I will be happy with that too. Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 19: Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well, I really, really had plans to workout on Tuesday, February 10th, but unfortunately, it was not meant to be. I was stuck at work until 8:15 PM (after arriving at work at 6:45 AM) and didn't get home until 9 PM, let alone have dinner or take care of any of my other daily responsibilities, so unfortunately, I was unable to perform any kind of workout.

However, on Wednesday, I knew I had to make up for it, and I truly pushed myself to actually feel something on this workout.

I began with a set of 30 curls at 40 lbs. I have upped the set number to 30 (instead of 15) to try to force my muscles to endure some resistance - since the 40 lb. weight does not seem to be "heavy enough" for me to do less in a set to actually feel like I am accomplishing anything. I then did a set of 15 pushups, followed by another set (this time 15 reps) at still the same weight of 40 lbs. (it's the only weight I have) before I finally got onto the treadmill.

The past few workouts at my intervals of 4 MPH for 1:45 followed by 5 MPH for 1:15 has been going rather smoothly, and I thought about upping my time and/or speed for running, but I refrained, since I would prefer to make changes to my routine at the beginning of a workout week. So instead, I ran, and sort of sang along with my music, and what that did, was essentially, make time fly. I seriously could scarcely believe when I completed my second to last run, and only had "one run left." However, that last run, I knew I would push myself - I felt way too good not to.

So, at the 28:45 mark, I pushed the speed up to 5 MPH and began to run. I ran until the "end of verse 1" - which signals in my mind that I am at the 30 minute mark - or essentially, my time running is technically completed. However, I continued, I told myself to "run at least until the end of verse 2" - which I figured, would be about another minute to a minute and a half. So I ran. Verse 2 finally came, and then went. I ran a bit further and then checked the time - 32:30 - I could do 30 more seconds. Finally, at the 33:00 mark I slowed my pace, but only to 4 MPH, where I completed another 30 seconds of fast paced walking before beginning my cool down.

After the treadmill workout, I proceeded to do another set of 30 curls at 40 lbs., 15 pushups, and 15 squats.

In total, I walked for 18:00 at 4 MPH for a distance of 1.20 miles, I ran for 15:30 at 5 MPH for a distance of 1.29 miles, and complete with my cool down, I completed 35:00 for a total distance of 2.55 miles. And I wasn't even really winded, which I think is a testament to this entire workout regime thus far.

As for working my muscles, I did 75 curls of the 40 lb. weight, 30 pushups, and 15 squats.

My body is responding extremely well, and I can't wait to actually, seriously, lose this gut that is still lingering - diminishing, but lingering all at the same time. In time, it will be non-existent.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 18: Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, another day, another workout.

I was a little hurried in my time on this day, but for the most part, I was able to do almost everything I planned on, so I won't complain about it too much.

I began my workout in the same manner as the previous two weeks since I slacked pretty hardcore on them. So I walked 1:45 at 4 MPH for every 1:15 running at 5 MPH. I plan on upping this MPH or running for longer durations come next Monday, but for now, this remains the plan.

The running and walking combinations weren't bad. As I said in previous posts, I have synced up my music to where I now know when my times to end the runs will be - this makes it much easier to focus on what I'm doing and not the clock.

I didn't quite feel 100% on the treadmill, however, but the issues had nothing to do with my rhythm or breathing, so again, I won't complain about the issues.

In total, I did my walk for 17:30 for a distance of 1.17 miles, 12:30 running for 1.04 miles, and a total, with cool down, of 2.25 miles in 31 minutes.

I completed 45 curls of the 40 lb. weight.

But I feel good today. I truly feel like I am getting somewhere. My stamina is getting up to par, I feel like I want to be more active, and I am sleeping soundly. This working out thing is definitely improving my quality of life.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week Four Recap

Well, week four was not an active one. Much like week three, also was not, but week four was due to, for the most part, a different set of circumstances than week three had been.

I began week four feeling extremely under the weather - having walked the previous Sunday (February 1st) and the Monday which began week 4 (February 2nd). On the Monday, I was only able to complete 15 minutes for a total distance of 1 mile. I then took Tuesday off (as my "natural day off") worked out for a normal workout on Wednesday, then promptly took Thursday and Friday off, as my wife and I ate too heavily on Thursday, and then went out on Friday night.

Despite the lack of work throughout the week, when I did find myself on the treadmill on Saturday and Sunday, I found my stamina and strength greatly increased, which, as I said in my Day 17 posting, I will take as a victory.

I weighed myself, as I had in previous weeks - in the morning and at night on Sunday. This way, I would provide an average of my daily weight - which I feel is a more accurate portrayal of that weight.

In the morning, I weighed in at 204.8 lbs. which is slightly larger than I weighted in at in the morning of week three's weigh in. In the evening, I weighed in at 206.8 lbs. which was about a pound lighter than the evening weigh in in week three's recap. My average for the week is thus 205.8 lbs. (or 205 lbs. and 12 ounces). Overall, that makes my weight loss 4 ounces for the week.

Of course, on paper this lack of weight loss may look bad, but I know I did some things that negatively impacted this weigh in. For starters, I had meat on Saturday night - and I feel that meat lingered within my body, and until I can purge myself of that, the weight is artificially inflated. I did do a "mid-week weigh in" despite my better judgement on Saturday morning, and found myself weighing in at 201.8 lbs. - meaning, that the meat from Saturday night added 3 lbs. of unwanted/unneeded weight - once again, reminding me of the dangers of eating animal fat and flesh.

Thanks to that mid-week weigh in, I do not feel like I am at a plateau, in fact, I instead know I can lose that weight and that 201 and below is not unattainable. Soon enough, I will be under 200, and I honestly cannot remember the last time I can say that. It will be a good feeling, and I am determined to hit it - if not next week, then the next, or the next, or whenever, but eventually, I will be part of the single-hundred club!

Day 17: Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well, I didn't feel at all like running today. I didn't feel like walking. I didn't feel like being active in any way, shape, or form. But I did it anyway.

I began in the same fashion - walking at 4 MPH for 1:45 and then running at 5 MPH for 1:15 - repeating the intervals 10 times until I reached 30 minutes.

I began the first interval, and felt like quitting. I just didn't feel like running. My breathing was fine, my steps were in rhythm, and my music in sync, but I just didn't feel it. So I continued, through my second interval, feeling as if I should quit. Third interval, I just want to stop. Fourth interval, we'll, I've made it this far, I might as well continue. Fifth interval - well, guess I'm not going to stop. Then onto the "home stretch" I no longer felt the desire to quit, though I still knew I did not feel at all like doing my workout - I instead told myself, "30 minutes, then you are done" just as a way to motivate myself to finish the final ten minutes.

As I said, despite not actually wanting to run or walk - my breathing, for the entire 30 minute time lapse was, well, easy. It was as if I wasn't running at all. Sure, from time to time, towards the end of a few of my running intervals, I had to take a deep breath, but that was it; there was no other labored breathing in any fashion. So, to say the least, I know I am moving forward with my lung capacity and my stamina - so I will take the victory and continue moving forward.

In all, I walked at 4 MPH for 17:30 for 1.17 miles, I ran at 5 MPH for 12:30 for 1.04 miles, and I totaled in all (with cool down session) 32:00 for 2.31 miles.

I also completed 90 curls of a 40 lb. weight and 15 squats.

Day 16: Saturday, February 7, 2009

Well, I had taken a few days off, so I figured it was time to get back on the horse. I woke early on Saturday, and had a few things I wanted to do this day, so I decided to get out of my normal pattern and workout before getting my day started.

Now, morning workouts don't sit well with me - especially if and when I am strapped for time, but with this being Saturday, and the fact that I was up at 6 AM - for some ungodly reason, I was wide awake - I decided to give myself an hour or so before deciding to actually start moving. The problems with the morning workouts, for me, are that my stomach is usually full of excess acid in the morning hours, and for that, I just don't feel well - but I decided to workout in the morning just the same.

So I got on the treadmill - after doing a few arm exercises. I began in similar fashion of 1:45 walking at 4 MPH for every 1:15 running at 5 MPH. The workout, actually went over very smoothly. Despite the fact I had only done the intervals once this week (on Wednesday), I was neither fatigued at all, nor did I watch the clock.

In fact, the day previous, I had set up a "workout set-list" for my music - and I had even mapped out at what times, during what songs, I would be able to stop running. What this did, was give me easy recognition about "how much time I have left" when running, as a way for me to be able to not focus on the clock. With this workout set-list, I was able to easily focus on my strides, my breathing, and the music - and I was able to better focus on the individual interval set, rather than look at the run/walk in terms of "I have to go for 30 minutes" - it made it more, "I have to go for three minutes ten times," and it made things a lot easier.

In total, I walked at 4 MPH for 17:30 - for a total distance of 1.17 miles, I ran at 5 MPH for 12:30 for a distance of 1.04 miles, and complete with cool down, I did 32:00 for a total distance of 2.32 miles.

I also did 30 push ups and 90 curls with a 40 lb. weight.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 15: Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well, I had been under the weather for a few days now (pretty much since Sunday) - and I finally felt well enough to give my workout my full attention and dedication - and I was grateful for that.

I began running and felt slightly labored at it, but I feel this was a product of not running since Saturday mixed with a little of my illness. I also had completed 30 push ups and 60 curls prior to getting on the treadmill - which could have contributed to the fatigue as well. Either way, even the labors I felt was not enough to slow me down, and, in fact, I was able to push through it; ignoring it for the most part.

There wasn't any one particular running interval that I felt like I wanted to give up or stop early. Even though, I could feel fatigue, I was running at a good, even pace, while focusing on my breathing, and ignoring the clock. Sure, I did check the clock probably on half of my runs when I still had 30 seconds remaining on the run, but I did not dwell in the time factor, instead, I continued to focus on positive things, and I was able to complete the runs efficiently.

When the time came for the 28:45 mark - signaling time for my last run - I decided to run for at least one extra minute passed my stopping time of 30:00. I was able to succeed in this task with fairly minimal effort - although, by this time, my breathing had come a slight concern since I still was not 100% for the illness.

After completing my last run and cool down, I then did 30 more curls of the 40 lb. weight, 15 more push ups, and 10 squats (non-weight added).

In total, I walked 1.17 miles in 17:30, I ran 1.125 miles in 13:30, and complete with my cool down session, I totaled 32:30 for a total distance of 2.35 miles.

I completed a total of 90 curls at the 40 lb. weight, 45 push ups, and 10 squats.

I was exhausted after working out - and the next morning, I am still feeling it, but I look forward to doing it all again tonight, so that hopefully, I can take off Friday as a scheduled day off - in order to be able to focus on both weekend days.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 14: Monday, February 2, 2009

Well, I really wanted to do a full workout tonight, but unfortunately, I was feeling far too much under the weather, so I compromised, and planned on walking for 30 minutes at 4 MPH - the equivalence of 2 miles.

However, my breathing just couldn't handle it, and I was feeling weak and worn down, so I pushed my body to work 15 minutes at 4 MPH, or one mile.

Other than that, I did little in way of activity. I am hoping, that possibly Tuesday night can be better - although one mile is better than no miles, so I shall try to view this positively and "better than I used to do" - which it certainly is.

And until I feel better, I might have to deal with my lack of quality time, and just deal with what I can accomplish - like it or not.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week Three Recap

This week was a tough one. Not so much in that it was tough while on the treadmill (although, early in the week the case could be stated as such) but because I had a hard time making time for the treadmill. When I had the time, I was happy to do it, but due to things I was involved in at work, I was highly stressed, and thus, more motivated to eat out, meaning, even less time at home and less time for the treadmill.

I expected this week - having only done my interval training 3 times, and having only walked one time - to have been a downer, at least, when the scale is considered. How I felt though, was something a bit different than what I expected out of the scale. I felt good, and I felt, even though I may have "slipped" off of the workouts this week, that I truly had made a lifestyle change. Yes, I went out to dinner 3 times this week (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) which caused my lack of workouts - but here is how those eating out days went for me:

Thursday - I don't necessarily consider myself a vegetarian, and I don't miss meat when I pass on it (I have had minimal meat intake since about October of 2008) but on this night, after a very stressful workday, I went to a steakhouse. First, I skipped the appetizer (though, the fried shrimp is phenominal at this establishment), and only ate about 6 ounces of my steak and half of my mashed potatoes. With bread and salad - judging by the establishments website, I only consummed about 550 calories on this dinner - not too bad.

Friday - same story, I was far too stressed at work, and thus felt the need to go out to eat (I know, it's a bad habit, but I tried to keep good habits even when being bad). I was unable to resist the fried calamari this go round, and I ordered a pasta in a white, creamy alfredo sauce, but I did not devour the calamari - between my wife and I, there was still plenty of this left over at the end of the night - and I only ate about half of my pasta. In total, however, I did go over-board for this meal - over 1,000 calories. Oh well, no sense dwelling in it.

Saturday - after working out, I went out with my wife yet again. Again, I ordered a pasta - and again, we shared an appetizer (harmless chips and salsa?). We again left portions of the appetizer on the table, and I again only ate about half of my pasta - but still, I came in at about 1,250 calories for the meal.

After doing the math, it seems I truly should have showed a slip up on the scale, however, the scale did not reflect my errors.

Instead, I weighed myself Sunday morning at 204 pounds and 4 ounces. In the evening, before bed, I weighed in at 207 pounds and 12 ounces. The daily average being - 206 pounds and zero ounces. Since last week my net average was 209 pounds and 12 ounces, I have still managed to lose 3 pounds and 12 ounces this week - even though I "slipped" ... although, leaving food on the table is a drastic improvement from where I used to be - to me, it seems the "lifestyle change" vs. "dieting" is paying off ... knowing that even being "bad" I was able to lose some weight, is giving me encouragement to work that much harder. Next week, I'll be back in the saddle and pushing myself on a daily basis - not only during my exercise regimes, but to watch the food I put into my body.

Day 13: Sunday, February 1, 2009

Today, I felt extremely under the weather, but I knew I needed to complete some form of activity, after all, Sunday is my weigh in day, and I couldn't do nothing.

However, since I really felt sickly, I only walked - at 4 MPH for the full 30 minutes, and basic math says, half of 4 is 2; so I completed 2 miles walking at 4 MPH in the 30 minutes.

I did not lift any weights or do any pushups or squats today. The walk may not have been much, but it was sufficient in completing 2 miles more than I would have if I spent the day on the couch.

Day 12: Saturday, January 31, 2009

As you can tell, I skipped a couple of days. This was due to reasons of increased stress at work, and less "home time," as well. Sadly, I have also began feeling under the weather with a slight head cold, but I will push through and get back into my workout regime today - I cannot take any more days off due to petty excuses.

Today I began as I have been doing for week 3 - with 1:45 intervals at 4 MPH followed by 1:15 intervals at 5 MPH. The first two times I had done this interval periods, I had found it very difficult, mostly, because I was watching the clock - so I began today determined not to watch the clock so intently.

I, instead, focused on the music, my breathing, and my rhythm with my steps. And what I found, was that I was able to easily complete my intervals. I don't know if this was a product of suffering through the first two workouts with these intervals, or if it simply had more to do with the fact that I was not focused on the times I could slow my pace back to 4 MPH. I believe, it was more due to the latter.

I was able to run, and do so consistently, with minimal effort, and minimum increase in heart rate - but a slow, rhythmic breathing and pulse rate - it felt good, and I felt as if I was not pushing. I was making progress.

Only a few times, did I actual have issue with the running (after checking the clock with 30 seconds or more left to go on my runs), but those times were very, very limited, and even after losing my rhythm, I focused on regaining that, and did not focus on the clock - and as I said, while it was still a lot of hard work to run each and every 1:15, it was very rewarding and a lot easier than it had been.

In total, I completed 18 minutes at 4 MPH (after slowing my pace after my last run, I added another 30 seconds of fast pace walking before completing my cool down) - for a total distance of 1.20 Miles, ran 13 minutes at 5 MPH for a distance of 1.08 Miles, and with cool down, I completed a total of 32:30 seconds with a total distance of 2.33 Miles.

I also did 75 curls of a 40 lbs weight and 30 pushups.