Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week Eight Recap

What can I say, there isn't much to recap. I completed the equivalent of one workout over the course of two days. It was not a productive week due to quite a few things beyond my control, and then other things I just couldn't not control or use in my favor (stress from work).

There is no one to blame but myself - and so I hopped on the scale on Sunday as usual. What I found, is based on my eating habits that have endured, even in times of inactivity, that I was still able to lose weight from the previous week, but not by much, and I still am not back to my weight low from two weeks ago. Even still, if it's a lifestyle, I can't beat myself up over a missed week, or if the missed time endures.

I weighed in on Sunday at 198.5 lbs in the morning, and 203.0 lbs in the evening, for an average, net weight of 200.75 lbs - or 200 lbs. and 12 ounces. Like I said, for the lack of activity, I will take the one pound loss from last week.

I really need to find my motivation again, however, or I risk falling into the same rut and bad habits that created the weight gain to begin with. Hopefully, the weather can improve and I can at least get outside for some "sneaky" workouts by way of playing with and/or walking the dogs - anything would be better than nothing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 33: Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today, I completed a very abstract workout. That is to say, I did some curls, but do not remember exactly how many I completed. If I had to guess - I would say I hit about 75 or so (if not a lot more, but it's hard to say). I also did 20 military presses with my same 40 lb. weight.

I then got on the treadmill, I only had limited time, but I felt the need to make up for the previous evening, where I was forced to stop early, in order to effectively ward off any migraine that may have been creeping in.

My run was sufficient, and I actually pushed my limits a bit in the 15 minutes I had to spare. I ran two times for 3 minutes a piece, as I said, slightly pushing my limits.

In all, I walked at 4 MPH for 6 minutes for 0.40 miles, I ran 9 minutes at 5 MPH for 0.75 miles, and in total with the cool down, I completed 1.18 miles in 16 minutes.

For the rest of this week, I want to get back into my normal routine of 30-minutes spent on the treadmill - which shouldn't be an issue since i have nothing planned throughout the week.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 32: Monday, March 2, 2009

Today was my day to get back on the horse, after slacking immensely last week. All my previous cravings have been quashed, and I felt this week would be a great one. However, my workout did not go according to plan, as my body seemed to work against me.

I began by doing 60 reps of curls of the 40 lb. weight. It felt good, and my arms were groaning slightly at the activity, which is a custom of mine before getting on the treadmill - typically, I have been completing 30 reps after my treadmill activity to get to the 90 total reps I have been reporting, today, I never got to those additional reps.

I began my time on the treadmill in the traditional mode - walking at 4 MPH for 1:30 and then running at 5 MPH for 1:30 and repeating until I reach my goal of 30 minutes. Today, I only completed 15 minutes, and the strange thing is, I don't feel guilty for stopping early.

As I ran today, I began to notice the lights of the treadmill seemed brighter than usual - and they began to seriously affect my eyes. Ever time I blinked, I saw "spots" - which in my world, is a great indication of a potential onset of a migraine. I closed my eyes, but not a good idea while running on a treadmill, so I began slowing my pace - the time read 14:54 the last I read it. I slowed enough until I could manage walking comfortably enough while holding a towel over my face in order to keep the light from my eyes. Eventually, I stopped the treadmill (after increasingly slower intervals) and sat down, still holding the towel over my face. I kept this position for a few minutes before jumping in the shower.

Sure, I never did develop a migraine - but I did not want to go back to the treadmill, just in case the irritation returned. I am not exactly happy about only completing half of my time, yet, in the same breath, I am happy I was able to recognize the triggers of a potentially migraine and not force my body to continue if it was not willing. Recognition of one's body is the key to health, and migraines are included.

In all, I completed 7:30 walking at 4 MPH for 0.50 miles, running at 5 MPH of 7:30 for 0.625 miles, and total of - with cool down estimated since I did not look at the clock or miles completed after seeing the 14:54 time (near conclusion of my run leading up to the 15-minute mark) I completed a total of about 16:00 minutes for 1.16 miles.

I did complete my 60 reps of the 40 lb. weight as mentioned above.

I plan on doing my best to make up the lost time, at least, on Tuesday night - if things work in my favor with a Tuesday, which is usually jam-packed day in my world. Hopefully, I can find a moment to myself to make up the lost time.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week Seven Recap

Seven weeks. I've worked out for seven weeks in a row! It's a great accomplishment, and I hope to continue to build on this!

Week seven was not necessarily a productive or active week for me. This wasn't all by choice, but sometimes, some things are just out of our hands. I did, however, find time and energy and effort to work out 4 times. Which is 4 times more than I would have worked out on typical weeks before beginning my regime.

I also ate a lot more than I believe I should, and I know this will be reflective on the scale, but just how much, however, I could not say leading up to my weigh in. What I did do, was eat out, and eat junk far too often over the course of the week. Which is good and bad.

First, how can this possibly be considered a good thing? Well, it makes me aware of just how much is "too much" and it also gives me new resolve. All the cravings I had felt, leading up to my binge, have been quashed. Meaning, I can now move forward over the coming weeks with a new found energy and spirit - not wanting to slide too far for too long.

Yes, it is bad. Yes, I gained weight, and yes, that is a set back. However, I really, really feel more motivated now, knowing my binge did not wreck everything I had done previously - after all, in the previous 6 weeks, I had lost 13 pounds, and since the time I "maxed out" I have lost over 30 - it would be very hard to put all that weight back on in just one short week. So I have found new resolve to start week eight with a bang.

But for week seven, I weighed in. Even though I did dread it, it was Sunday, and thus, by design, I was forced to endure the unforgiving scale. Last week, I was under 200 pounds for the first time in a long time, weighing in at 199.75 for the average - this week, however, that was not to be.

In the morning, I weighed in at 200.8 lbs. and in the evening, I weighted in at exactly 203 pounds - for an average net weight for the day of 201.9 lbs, or 201 pounds and 14 ounces. For a weekly weight GAIN (the first time I can say this, but it is inevitable, given my week and given that you can't ALWAYS lose) of 2 pounds and 2 ounces.

Yes, it was a weight gain, but no, it is not the end of the world. As I fully admit, I did binge (though, I ate far less per meal than I would have 3 months ago), but in that binge, I got my cravings out of the way so that I can begin to re-focus on my workouts and my weight loss. A small speed bump, nothing more. I look to be back under 200 pounds at next weeks weigh-in.

Day 31: Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 31 - I have now entered the realm of working out over the course of three months! Something I never would have expected three months ago.

On Day 31, I decided to try to gauge "where I was at" and thus, workout slightly differently than I had previously. I had told my wife, who wants to consider running the the St. Patrick's Day 5k that I would see if my body is ready - after my workout on day 31, I feel I am not ready.

I began my treadmill workout by running - at 6 MPH. This is something I had not done yet before, but something, I felt was possible. I ran for 2 minutes, and I felt good. Some heavy breathing - but not unmanageable. My breaths were deep and cleansing, but I slowed my pace just the same, so as not to push it too hard. I walked at 4 MPH for one minute before running the next two minutes at 5 MPH. Again, my breathing became slightly labored, but not too unmanageable. I again, slowed for one minute to 4 MPH, only to pick up my pace again to 6 MPH for the duration of the next 2 minutes. And that was about the time I realized, I was not ready. My breathing was still good - deep and not hurried, but my throat began to burn, as if it was having a hard time remaining moist enough for air to pass easily. I slowed again to 4 MPH - where I remained for 5 minutes, before running at 5 MPH for the next two - I then slowed again to 4 MPH for the next 5 minutes and concluded my workout.

It started out great, but I know I am not yet ready since I only completed 20 minutes total. I felt my breathing needed the 5 minutes at walking pace just to recover. The plus side of the 20 minute run/walk, however, was that I completed over 1.5 miles - which, as I've stated previously, 1.5 miles is a LOT better than I was doing just 3 months ago! Also, on the plus side, I feel the change in routine provided sufficient shock to my body, and I was feeling it in my legs hours after the run/walk.

In total, I completed 12 minutes of walking at 4 MPH for 0.80 Miles, 4 minutes running at 5 MPH for 0.33 Miles, 4 minutes running at 6 MPH for 0.40 Miles, and so complete with cool down, I completed 1.55 miles in 21 minutes.

I did also complete 90 curls of the 40 lb. weight.

It was certainly a different workout, maybe one I can build off of. For now, I think I should go back to my normal routine in order to build my stamina. A 5k, at least at this juncture, seems unlikely for me.

Day 30: Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well, I woke up and decided to get my workout out of the way. I wasn't much feeling like pushing myself too much, but I knew some activity would do my body some good.

I got on the treadmill and only completed the minimum - that is to say 1:30 walking at 4 MPH for every 1:30 running at 5 MPH and alternate for 30 minutes. I will have to say, it is very much a good thing that I did my regime in the morning, and not waiting until the afternoon - I never would have gotten in the mood the way my day went.

But for the day, my breathing was pretty even throughout, and I did not really suffer while on the treadmill (nor after I got off, everything was pretty smooth).

In all, I completed 15 minutes of walking for 1.00 miles, 16 minutes of running for 1.33 Miles, and complete with cool down, I did 2.35 miles in 32:30 minutes.

I also completed 105 curls of the 40 lb. weight.