Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 16: Saturday, February 7, 2009

Well, I had taken a few days off, so I figured it was time to get back on the horse. I woke early on Saturday, and had a few things I wanted to do this day, so I decided to get out of my normal pattern and workout before getting my day started.

Now, morning workouts don't sit well with me - especially if and when I am strapped for time, but with this being Saturday, and the fact that I was up at 6 AM - for some ungodly reason, I was wide awake - I decided to give myself an hour or so before deciding to actually start moving. The problems with the morning workouts, for me, are that my stomach is usually full of excess acid in the morning hours, and for that, I just don't feel well - but I decided to workout in the morning just the same.

So I got on the treadmill - after doing a few arm exercises. I began in similar fashion of 1:45 walking at 4 MPH for every 1:15 running at 5 MPH. The workout, actually went over very smoothly. Despite the fact I had only done the intervals once this week (on Wednesday), I was neither fatigued at all, nor did I watch the clock.

In fact, the day previous, I had set up a "workout set-list" for my music - and I had even mapped out at what times, during what songs, I would be able to stop running. What this did, was give me easy recognition about "how much time I have left" when running, as a way for me to be able to not focus on the clock. With this workout set-list, I was able to easily focus on my strides, my breathing, and the music - and I was able to better focus on the individual interval set, rather than look at the run/walk in terms of "I have to go for 30 minutes" - it made it more, "I have to go for three minutes ten times," and it made things a lot easier.

In total, I walked at 4 MPH for 17:30 - for a total distance of 1.17 miles, I ran at 5 MPH for 12:30 for a distance of 1.04 miles, and complete with cool down, I did 32:00 for a total distance of 2.32 miles.

I also did 30 push ups and 90 curls with a 40 lb. weight.

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