Thursday, January 15, 2009

Typical Weekly Diet

As I have said previously, I spend a lot of time at work - where I work in an office complex - which means donuts and free food, but is that food really free? As I said, I am out of shape, and I have lost a lot of weight leading up to this blog (I still have a lot of weight to go) - so I am in no means a "health nut" or a "fitness guru" ... but I'm logical, and to answer the question - no, that "free" food is absolutely anything but free.

What I mean is, it is FULL of calories - most of them are unneeded and most of them, are harmful to any weight loss program. So, put down the donut and brown bag it - that's what I do, and I don't mean bring those "Lean Pocket" frozen entries either ... here is what I do:

Breakfast (it's vital, right?): A banana (and I skip the coffee as well - for one, I don't think my heart needs the added jolt of caffeine)
Morning Snack (not long after breakfast, really): I will have one serving of either carrots, nuts, or raisins (all natural and all healthy)
Lunch: A spinach salad with fat free zesty Italian dressing and a tuna sandwich (with little mayo and sugar free relish for flavoring)
Afternoon Snack: This can be tossed up - I will do either an apple, an orange, a banana, or one serving of the following: carrots, nuts, or raisins.

If after all is said and done and I find myself limping into the "home stretch" I sneak a few nuts or raisins (but less than a full serving). That way, when I get home, I can eat something healthy and filling and be able to workout after.

All said and done, my "diet" for a typical day at work comes out to somewhere between 550-700 calories (depending on if I sub an apple or nuts for my afternoon carrots snack, etc, etc) for a full day's worth of energy. Now, I realize this might not be the greatest "diet" (I do hate that word) in the eyes of some "experts" but it all comes down to you - do you feel full? Do you have the energy? Are you drinking enough water (by the way, I only drink water throughout the day)? And most importantly, are you reaching for that donut when you have all the food and nutrients you need in your brown bag?

Lest we forget, the model above is of simplistic nature, and really anything you can take to work that will last your full day is better, much better than that donut - you are already sitting inactive at a computer, do you really need to put your body through the torture of fat and sugar on top of the torture you probably already mentally feel? Somehow, I doubt it ... think better, eat better and live longer.

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